Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Desperate Search in Pursuit of Brain Candy

Posters have been used historically to bring attention to a cause, promote social change, and as an iconic form of mass communication. As our society becomes more technologically adept, our eyes and interests are moving away from static images and towards dynamic, electronically driven materials. Many fear that the poster is on its way out of our visual lexicon. I plan to investigate how this medium can be incorporated into digital era.

Viral videos exist of people getting kicked in the balls. Millions of people are willing to spend hours of their day watching stuff like this. If short, informative, and visually engaging pieces are made in the digital realm, wouldn’t people also be willing to watch them too?

Following in the line of successful postmodernist designers such as Stephen Sagmeister, James Victore, Rick Valienceti, and Tibor Kalman, I am interested in the social, not aesthetic role design can play. These artists have stepped away from modernists ideas of purity and form, and instead seek to make work that can engage its viewer on an emotional level.

I dont want to make eye candy. I want to make brain candy.

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