Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Story board

Pro pro pro por pro pro prosal

A row of leg armatures wearing pants are standing in a line.
They start marching.
As they march, the being to form letters—reading from left to right:
Then the middle pair of paints rips off revealing some really crazy stripped leopard prints.
Simulatenously, the other pairs of pants fall down.
The crazy pants dance
Fade to a beautiful black.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here are some video I liked:

How we met:

Finger Skillz:

Western Spaghetti by PES

Moth by PES

My project is going to be an integration of type and motion. I am interested in how type's movement can add to the content of a piece. The exploration of movement, executed in an analouge form, is going to be the starting point for this project.
I want to make something appealing—even to non-artists.

Also, I my piece is going to contain commentary on a social issue. The poster has long been seen as a cornerstone of visual communication and activism.

Most people should be more motivated. We live in a first-world country, and to sit on your ass in front of a t.v. all day is probably the biggest disservice one can do to the world. This piece is going to try to motivate people to be more active, to want to be great at something, and to embrace their life.

For now: a brief test of stop motion I did earlier:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Here is a quick mock up of an idea i experimented with. 
I was not able to finish the animation, but basically, the houses pop up to spell the word sprawl.


No more computer generated. At least in the strict sense. At the bare minimum, mix analouge with digital.

Maybe these should suck. And be ugly.

Think about real motion vs. keyframed motion
Can the be combined?

Process oriented?
Throught After effects?
How can after effects show process / be organic?

Project and animate by moving the projector

Like when you were elementary school and thought it was hilarious everytime the teacher pointed the overhead onto the celing. Shit, at least she could make stars.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Proposal:
Most of the motion graphics I have seen that are being done today have really nice elements. The text's aesthetic appearance helps to reinforce the message, as does the background. However, One area that is seemingly continuously overlooked for its potential to add content to a piece is with the physical act of motion.For my project I want to explore the flexibility of letterforms and the ability of motion to enhance typographic messages. Scale changes, camera movements, rotation—All of these things can enhance meaning. It could be called:
Meaning with Motion

Robert Brownjohn (aka the man)


In the middle of the 1950s and 1960s advertising started to change drastically. The word and message became perpetually meddled together and concept became king. In other words, type became the image.

Its been about fifty years since then. Much of the work carried out by CGB and associates carries on. It can been seen in the works Stefan Sagmeister, Tibor Kalman, KarlssonWilker, and James Victore. However, all of these designers work in print so their work has no motion.

By Looking at these sources we have recognized types ability to inject meaning. I plan on using type (maybe one size and one typeface) as a starting point to create meaning.
Most of my work deals with how the brain interprets symbols and imagery to attach its own narrative to seemingly random images. I think I might start with that idea and create a brief series of individual words and see how their meaning can be amplified or subverted through the application of motion to their forms. Another idea that I have been interested in lately is the utilization of seeming Randomness as a vehicle for discourse. It might be good to use this trope to keep this from just being a typographic exercise. With that in mind, I have been interested as how the movie, especially with viral videos, can become a poster of sorts. Is it possible for a short, text based animation to have the same visual impact and viral quality that a video of a guy falling down stairs can have?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Expressions and Perspectives

I got a little excited with the expressions, and added too much blur. As a result, I got to watch a thin blue bar creep across my monitor for three hours.

It took a long time to figure out how to use the expressions, but once I figured it out, I immediately recognized how much time they can save in the long run.

Expressions are really awesome. They open a whole new world of control and finesse.

For my perspective project, I made some minor tweeks to tighten it up. I removed the heart because it was the one image I created. I think using only existing imagery, and further handicapping my ability to inject a narrative, will make this project more successful.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Lately Ive been interested in how language forms meaning in our brains. With this project, I am exploring how symbols can function to create meaning, and how similar icons can work in union to create a sense of disjuncture of perception.

The head is divided into lateral slices and the monitors are layed out consecutively—referencing medical imaging, and the almost scientific perspective that I am approaching project from. The artwork is clean and simple.

Only two monitors face the same direction, so it becomes impossible to see the entire project simultaneously. By the time a viewer can shift from one set of monitors to the other, the symbols will have changed. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I was playing with the idea of how sound can have illustrative and narrative properties. Partly inspired by poetry class, the monkey creates its form from the spoken words, then the animal animates its self based on the sound effects. Finally, the description is read again, and the monkey fades, demonstrating the temporality of the spoken and written word, and the sematic attachment to them.